Monday, July 25, 2011

Setting the Date

Who knew that picking your official date to have your wedding on would be so hard?

There were so many options to chose from and so many pros and cons for each date, that it was beginning to stress me out. (lol who knew a wedding would stress me out). After many days (it felt like years!) of debating what the special date would be, we were finally able to narrow down the dates to four :

  1. May 13, 2012
  2. May 27, 2012
  3. July 15, 2012
  4. September 16, 2012

We ended up crossing off both of the May dates because it falls around my birthday and also end of the semester exams are around then too.  I didn't want to cause any additional stress to my bridesmaids to help plan a wedding for me and study for exams. We then decided that September is also during the school year and I didn't want anyone to miss school to travel for the wedding.

Leaving the last date, July 15th.
Now this day is actually the day Jayme and I wanted to get married, but there were many disadvantages to setting this date like the Georgia heat, prime wedding season, and possible travel problems on this date, but we were able to eliminate some of the problems and officially set this as the date. (YAYYYY)

I was really happy to have this date work out because it actually has a lot of meaning to it.  This is the date that Jayme and I started dating (three years ago), it is the day that he proposed to me on, and it is a day after my parents wedding anniversary.  I can't wait to now have my wedding on this day.

Even though it seems like a small step to have a date set for some people, it actually feels like a huge milestone.  Now that it is set, I can begin with the more fun stuff.  Hopefully I have time to get everything done!

Did any of ya'll have trouble setting a date for your wedding? What were the deciding factors?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Will you be my...

I was really itching on what I should do first as to planning the wedding. I know the colors I want and a lot of small detailed things, but I still do not know the big things like venues, DATE, and of course my wedding dress.  I decided that I would need help with these decisions so who else would be better to help me plan this wedding then my bridesmaids?!

I didn't want to just call them up, I wanted to be creative.  I thought of many options like making a cute card, taking them out to dinner, and other things along those lines, but I realized that those wouldn't really do.  Three out of the five I decided to stand by me live out of town, so getting them to dinner would be next to impossible.

I finally came to the idea of making a video.  I am always using my computer and I love trying to be creative and make cute videos, so it fit me perfectly!  I found some YouTube videos of girls asking their bridesmaids, one was even of a girl who wrote a poem to them.  Yes, I admit I stole her idea of a poem..just so yall know it wasn't 100% original..but it still turned out AWESOME!

With out further due, the video...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Its a love story, baby just say YES!

I.AM.ENGAGED. My FIANCE and I are gonna get hitched.

So before I start talking all about weddings on here, I have to dish out the details that I know ya'll are waiting to hear.

Friday, July 15th, started out as a longgg day.  I had to be at work at 6 a.m., and he had to drive 45 minutes to work and be there at 7.  After a tiring day of taking orders and making drinks, I finally got off at 3 and quickly went home.  Once I got home, I took a shower and packed my things for the mountain trip we were taking with friends that weekend.  I then went over to Jayme's house to quickly catch up on our Big Brother episodes, then went out to eat at Kyoto's (a Japanese restaurant).  We were celebrating our 3 year anniversary, so he wanted to take me somewhere nice (even though Blimpie would have been just as good with me..)  After dinner, we went to Monetta, South Carolina to the drive-in theater.  I really wanted to see the new Harry Potter movie and he wanted to see the Horrible Bosses one, so it worked out perfect that they were playing back to back.

I thought it was such a cute idea to go to the drive-in to celebrate our three year because that was technically where we had our first date, and where we first held hands. :)  After a long time of playing cards and waiting for the sun to go down, the movie FINALLY came on.

During the movie, he kept playing with his class ring that I always wear.  He then took it off my finger and said he wanted to wear it for awhile.  I thought it was kind of strange, but I wasn't thinking too much of it, because the movie was really intense.  Ten minutes later, he put the ring back on but put it on my ring finger (not my middle finger where I usually wear it).  I never even looked down, because I had no reason to think it was a different ring.  I would say a good ten minutes went by until I finally realized that it was a different ring on my finger.  I was actually really confused and was wondering whose ring it was.  He said it was mine, then paused for a second and said, "oh yeah...will you marry me?"

I totally thought he was joking.  I kept saying "are you serious?" "stop lying"  I made him pinky promise me that he was actually proposing to me and that was when I realized he was serious.  He then went on to say that I still never answered the question, and I immediately said YES.

I then went into full out question mode.  I asked him who all knew, when did he buy it, pretty much everything and anything I could think of, I asked him.  We then went on to finish watching the rest of the movie.  After the movie ended, I started calling my parents, friends, and other family members. I really enjoyed this part, because their reactions were so shocked and excited!  Everyone seemed so surprised and stunned!  They were all very happy for us.

After the phone calls finished, I put it on Facebook.  MAN. this was probably a bad idea, especially since Jayme and I still had one whole movie to watch.  My phone was blowing up.

In all, it was a great day.  I think that my fiance did a great job at hiding it and putting everything together. He never technically got down on one knee, or anything in that way, but I think it was still perfect.  I don't like drawing attention so if he did that, people sitting near by would have seen it, and that was not what I wanted.

Now that I am finally engaged,  I can't wait to start planning the wedding that I always dreamed of.

Here is a picture of my ring.  I found it on a website and told him that's the one I wanted.  I never actually thought he would pick it, but he actually did.  Its so cute and thinks it suits me very well. :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Moving Home.

To move home or to not move home..that is the question...

So for the past couple months, I have been debating if I should move back home to my parents house.  I was very back and forth so I made a list of the pros and cons for both..
Pros (of moving home)

  • I get to see my friends more then once a week (including my boyfriend)
  • I can save money and not have to pay rent and utilities
  • I can work more then once a week if I move home
  • If and when I do get engaged, I have help to plan it, instead of by myself at college
Cons (of moving home)

  • I am leaving my dream college behind
  • No more sports and intramural games
  • I have to live under my parents house and their rules
  • Going back to my old college, which sucks

After looking over these lists, I decided to move home.  Yes, I am leaving my dream college behind, but I missed my boyfriend and friends more.  I didn't have very many friends where I went to college, so I was always alone, and it was boring.  By also moving home, I can try and save money..which is a big thing (especially if I plan on getting married and buying a house)

Sooo..This past weekend, my boyfriend and I drove down to my old college to pick up the rest of my belongings from my house.  It was a sad day.  I lived in my parents house for over 14 years before moving out.  A big part of moving out of my parents house was my new room at college. I was lucky enough to find a house where I had a HUGE closet and HARDWOOD floors for my bedroom, which are the two things I always dreamed of!!  So saying goodbye was kind of hard.

Now that I am home, I rearranged my room, which looks AWESOME by the way.  I am not even near done unpacking everything yet though.  I don't have any motivation to do it...It will probably sit there for a while. lol

And now I leave you all with my now OLD room.  Who knew I would have this much attachment over a bedroom?

This is when I first moved into it. I loved it!

And my big closet.

This was a picture of me outside of my new house on the day I moved in.

And now..this is what my room looks like.  So dark and gloomy. :(

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Trip to Folly

Wow, where did the week go?! We are back from the beach already, and I am so sad.  I wish I could just live there. Here are some pictures from the week.

 a picture of Jayme (right) and his cousin Matt

 Both of us celebrating Jayme's birthday at the Crab House. 
 again at the crab house

 walking to the light house

A Blue Crab we found walking around 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

How it all started...

Hello all.  I am just another person in a peachy world that likes to ramble on about non sense! ..i think they like to call those people bloggers??

I am from good 'ol Georgia! Yes, everything you hear about the south is probably true.  We have a church on every corner, only two seasons, summer and winter (ok..i admit..spring and fall get one week each), and yes we do get snow...but it is called yellow snow. and it makes people have asthma attacks in April.  Now that we have went over that...I would like to announce that...

This is my first blog post and I am oh so excited!  

It sort of feels weird to be putting my story and personal life out in the cyber world, but then I realize that you only live life once (I know, cheesy saying).  I want people to know who I was, and I want to look back 50 years from now, and see what life was throwing at me.

With that is the condensed story of how my future husband and I met.

Jayme and I knew each other through mutual friends on my churches softball field.  Every Sunday night, a bunch of college students would get together to play some ultimate frisbee.  We both knew who each other from playing on the field together, but we never really talked to each other because for one, I was shy and for two, we were both in a relationship with someone else...

As weeks pass by and my relationship with my ex was on rocky terms.  To make it long story short, I ended it with him and became happily I wasn't looking for someone to date, I just wanted to enjoy my time with my friends.

So one particular Sunday night (June 29, 2008 to be exact), my friend Brianna from Illinois was visiting and we both decided to go play frisbee.  After winning every game (lol) I invited everyone to the lake to go camping that night.  Since Jayme and our mutual friend Dan rode to frisbee together, they decided to reluctantly come.

The night was filled with telling stories around the campfire, making smores, playing card games, and whatever else people do while camping. When it started to get late, the girls got into their pajamas and snuggled together in the tent to play some good old fashioned "Old Maid." Jayme somehow sneaked into our tent and happily joined right along.  Since he was the only guy, we joked and called him the old maid. Somehow, he seemed to lose the game almost every time, which made it much funnier!  What caught my eye about him that night was his personality.  He was funny and made me laugh throughout the whole night.  I knew right then that I was falling for him...

The next day, we all went for a swim and since he came camping with us last minute, he didn't have a towel.  I let him borrow one of my spares to use for the day.  After we all ate lunch, everyone started to disperse and do their own thing.  Most wanted to go home, shower, and get a pair of clothes for the second camping night.  He had to get home because he had work later in the day. As he was leaving, he tried to give me my towel back, but I told him to take it home.  You see,  I was trying to be sneaky (since I had a crush on him) and get him to come back out after work, so if he had the towel he of course had to return it. Smart right? Well it actually worked and he ended up coming back out to hang out with us after he got off of work.

The story continues throughout the entire week...going to the dollar movies, playing guitar hero, watching fireworks together, the drive-in movies, and much more. By the end of the week, people would have thought we were best friends.  

Our official journey together started July 15, 2008.  We became inseparable from that day.  Of course we had some really rocky parts of our relationship, but we have grown from it.  It actually made both of us stronger and made both of us realize what we really want.  He saved me.  I know I'm own personal superman! ;)

I will leave you all with the first picture Jayme and I ever took together.  It was the first night camping.  I know its not great quality, I cut half my face off!  Enjoy!