Sunday, July 3, 2011

How it all started...

Hello all.  I am just another person in a peachy world that likes to ramble on about non sense! ..i think they like to call those people bloggers??

I am from good 'ol Georgia! Yes, everything you hear about the south is probably true.  We have a church on every corner, only two seasons, summer and winter (ok..i admit..spring and fall get one week each), and yes we do get snow...but it is called yellow snow. and it makes people have asthma attacks in April.  Now that we have went over that...I would like to announce that...

This is my first blog post and I am oh so excited!  

It sort of feels weird to be putting my story and personal life out in the cyber world, but then I realize that you only live life once (I know, cheesy saying).  I want people to know who I was, and I want to look back 50 years from now, and see what life was throwing at me.

With that is the condensed story of how my future husband and I met.

Jayme and I knew each other through mutual friends on my churches softball field.  Every Sunday night, a bunch of college students would get together to play some ultimate frisbee.  We both knew who each other from playing on the field together, but we never really talked to each other because for one, I was shy and for two, we were both in a relationship with someone else...

As weeks pass by and my relationship with my ex was on rocky terms.  To make it long story short, I ended it with him and became happily I wasn't looking for someone to date, I just wanted to enjoy my time with my friends.

So one particular Sunday night (June 29, 2008 to be exact), my friend Brianna from Illinois was visiting and we both decided to go play frisbee.  After winning every game (lol) I invited everyone to the lake to go camping that night.  Since Jayme and our mutual friend Dan rode to frisbee together, they decided to reluctantly come.

The night was filled with telling stories around the campfire, making smores, playing card games, and whatever else people do while camping. When it started to get late, the girls got into their pajamas and snuggled together in the tent to play some good old fashioned "Old Maid." Jayme somehow sneaked into our tent and happily joined right along.  Since he was the only guy, we joked and called him the old maid. Somehow, he seemed to lose the game almost every time, which made it much funnier!  What caught my eye about him that night was his personality.  He was funny and made me laugh throughout the whole night.  I knew right then that I was falling for him...

The next day, we all went for a swim and since he came camping with us last minute, he didn't have a towel.  I let him borrow one of my spares to use for the day.  After we all ate lunch, everyone started to disperse and do their own thing.  Most wanted to go home, shower, and get a pair of clothes for the second camping night.  He had to get home because he had work later in the day. As he was leaving, he tried to give me my towel back, but I told him to take it home.  You see,  I was trying to be sneaky (since I had a crush on him) and get him to come back out after work, so if he had the towel he of course had to return it. Smart right? Well it actually worked and he ended up coming back out to hang out with us after he got off of work.

The story continues throughout the entire week...going to the dollar movies, playing guitar hero, watching fireworks together, the drive-in movies, and much more. By the end of the week, people would have thought we were best friends.  

Our official journey together started July 15, 2008.  We became inseparable from that day.  Of course we had some really rocky parts of our relationship, but we have grown from it.  It actually made both of us stronger and made both of us realize what we really want.  He saved me.  I know I'm own personal superman! ;)

I will leave you all with the first picture Jayme and I ever took together.  It was the first night camping.  I know its not great quality, I cut half my face off!  Enjoy!

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