Sunday, July 10, 2011

Moving Home.

To move home or to not move home..that is the question...

So for the past couple months, I have been debating if I should move back home to my parents house.  I was very back and forth so I made a list of the pros and cons for both..
Pros (of moving home)

  • I get to see my friends more then once a week (including my boyfriend)
  • I can save money and not have to pay rent and utilities
  • I can work more then once a week if I move home
  • If and when I do get engaged, I have help to plan it, instead of by myself at college
Cons (of moving home)

  • I am leaving my dream college behind
  • No more sports and intramural games
  • I have to live under my parents house and their rules
  • Going back to my old college, which sucks

After looking over these lists, I decided to move home.  Yes, I am leaving my dream college behind, but I missed my boyfriend and friends more.  I didn't have very many friends where I went to college, so I was always alone, and it was boring.  By also moving home, I can try and save money..which is a big thing (especially if I plan on getting married and buying a house)

Sooo..This past weekend, my boyfriend and I drove down to my old college to pick up the rest of my belongings from my house.  It was a sad day.  I lived in my parents house for over 14 years before moving out.  A big part of moving out of my parents house was my new room at college. I was lucky enough to find a house where I had a HUGE closet and HARDWOOD floors for my bedroom, which are the two things I always dreamed of!!  So saying goodbye was kind of hard.

Now that I am home, I rearranged my room, which looks AWESOME by the way.  I am not even near done unpacking everything yet though.  I don't have any motivation to do it...It will probably sit there for a while. lol

And now I leave you all with my now OLD room.  Who knew I would have this much attachment over a bedroom?

This is when I first moved into it. I loved it!

And my big closet.

This was a picture of me outside of my new house on the day I moved in.

And now..this is what my room looks like.  So dark and gloomy. :(

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