Monday, July 25, 2011

Setting the Date

Who knew that picking your official date to have your wedding on would be so hard?

There were so many options to chose from and so many pros and cons for each date, that it was beginning to stress me out. (lol who knew a wedding would stress me out). After many days (it felt like years!) of debating what the special date would be, we were finally able to narrow down the dates to four :

  1. May 13, 2012
  2. May 27, 2012
  3. July 15, 2012
  4. September 16, 2012

We ended up crossing off both of the May dates because it falls around my birthday and also end of the semester exams are around then too.  I didn't want to cause any additional stress to my bridesmaids to help plan a wedding for me and study for exams. We then decided that September is also during the school year and I didn't want anyone to miss school to travel for the wedding.

Leaving the last date, July 15th.
Now this day is actually the day Jayme and I wanted to get married, but there were many disadvantages to setting this date like the Georgia heat, prime wedding season, and possible travel problems on this date, but we were able to eliminate some of the problems and officially set this as the date. (YAYYYY)

I was really happy to have this date work out because it actually has a lot of meaning to it.  This is the date that Jayme and I started dating (three years ago), it is the day that he proposed to me on, and it is a day after my parents wedding anniversary.  I can't wait to now have my wedding on this day.

Even though it seems like a small step to have a date set for some people, it actually feels like a huge milestone.  Now that it is set, I can begin with the more fun stuff.  Hopefully I have time to get everything done!

Did any of ya'll have trouble setting a date for your wedding? What were the deciding factors?


  1. Setting a date is definitely the first hardest step! We went through a few of them! Our deciding factor was our budget and the date. Our budget pushed it farther than we wanted but it's in the same week that my grandparents were married!

  2. It was pretty hard choosing our wedding date, too. We're having ours outdoors in New Orleans. October is the dryest and prettiest month around here, so it was a no-brainer there. The only catch is that that's a BIG month for festivals and conventions in the city. That makes for a higher price tag on most things... especially hotel rooms.

    Ultimately, we went ahead with October anyway. Having the peace of mind that it probably won't rain is a big plus for us... worth the extra expense. (Knock on wood!!)

  3. Thanks for following my blog!
    I haven't had chance to find new ones yet. One of my to do's this week.
    Setting the date formerly was hard for us. By that I mean booking it with the venue, as you can't go back.
